
I Love Pets – Let’s Just Adopt A Dog Or Cat

  Questions to ask yourself before you get a pet   Loving someone and committing to someone are two very different things. This is not about the decision to buy a cat or dog or to adopt it. It is about whether one can commit to one. The internet bombards us with cute videos of cats and dogs. No emotion is better expressed than a pet meme and the most photogenic person in the family pictures invariably seems to be the cat or dog. We however forget that life is not our vignettes on Instagram. It is what happens in between the pretty shots. The messes, the misunderstandings, the sheer volume of confusion and the cost – time, effort, and money. There are priorities and compulsions. There is a need for space and quiet. The daily grind and grit is life. Bringing someone in this mix who is completely dependent on you, whose needs can’t be postponed and whose love and exuberance for you can sometimes become a chore is a big decision. A pet is a baby which never grows up. Ask the p

All You Need To Know About Puppy Vaccination Schedule!

  Puppies are sensitive and vulnerable to infections and diseases. To prevent this, vaccines or shots are administered to them. Vaccines form a core component of preventative wellness care in puppies. They prevent your puppies from fatal diseases and strengthen their immunity to fight against bacteria and viruses.   That’s why vaccinating them from time to time is indeed necessary.   Read on to know more about vaccines and vaccination schedules for puppies.   What Are Core Vaccines for Dogs? Core vaccines are recommended for all dogs irrespective of breed. This includes:   DHPPI : Also known as the “Distemper vaccine”, it’s a combination vaccine that gives protection against Distemper, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza and Infectious Hepatitis. All these diseases are serious as well as highly infectious in nature.   Leptospirosis : It is a serious infectious disease that causes fever, lack of appetite and lethargy in dogs. If left untreated, it can be fatal to your dog’s

Paw-Fit Pathology Package: Keeping Your Pet Healthy On The Inside

  Pets are more than just social media darlings for pet owners – they play an essential role in our lives. Studies have shown that pets can help reduce stress and increase the level of oxytocin, which can lower the risk of heart disease and improve mental health in the household. However, while pets silently enhance our lives, we must also be vigilant about their health. Just as grooming keeps knotting and skin infections at bay, annual pathology tests help identify life-threatening diseases in the early stages and keep our furry friends healthy on the inside.   At PawPurrfect, we offer a range of pathology tests for pets . Here are a few tests based on the pet’s age.   Dogs and cats under 6 months to 3 years old During this period, vaccination is essential as it acts as the first line of defence against diseases such as rabies, distemper, parvo, and other common illnesses that can affect pets. Additionally, providing good nutritious food is crucial to maintaining their healt

Dog Health Insurance in Mumbai and Pet Medical Insurance

  Are you a proud pet parent in Mumbai? Ensure your furry friend's health with reliable dog insurance. From routine check-ups to unexpected emergencies, pet medical insurance has got you covered. Explore dog health insurance options today!   Owning a dog brings immense joy, companionship, and responsibilities. As a responsible pet owner in Mumbai, it's crucial to prioritize your furry friend's health and well-being. That's where dog insurance comes into play. Dog insurance, also known as pet medical insurance or dog health insurance , provides financial coverage for veterinary expenses incurred due to illness, accidents, or routine care.   In Mumbai, where veterinary costs can be high, having dog insurance offers peace of mind. Whether it's a sudden illness, an unexpected injury, or routine preventive care like vaccinations and check-ups, dog insurance ensures that your beloved companion receives the necessary medical attention without putting a strain on y

How Can Pets Improve Your Mental Health?

  There are millions of people globally who love their pets. Pets bring abundant love and companionship into our lives. Our furry friends play a crucial role in improving our mental health.  Various studies have proven that dogs alleviate stress and anxiety. By taking them for a stroll, playing with them and even talking to them, you can feel immense joy.  From improving your mood to alleviating stress, here are 8 ways pets positively impact your mental health.  1. Pets Provide a Sense of Purpose Pets need a fixed routine of  walking , eating,  grooming , and playing. Being a pet parent, these responsibilities can give you motivation to look forward to your day. Playing with your pooch or taking him for a stroll improves your mood and can be a good self-care activity for you.  Knowing that your pooch depends on you for his well-being can instil pride and purpose.  02. Pets Improve Your Fitness Whether it’s going for a walk with your dog or playing with your cat, pets enco

How To Prepare Your Dog For The Canine Good Citizen Test?

  The Canine Good Citizen test is a significant milestone for dogs and dog parents. The certification is globally recognised. It demonstrates that your dog has excellent manners, and social etiquette and is a well-behaved citizen of the society.   The CGC test evaluates 10 skills that your dog must possess. The program provides a structured framework for training your dog.   Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you prepare your dog for the Cannie Good Citizen test .   Tips to Prepare For the CGC Test 1.Greeting a Stranger In this test, the evaluator walks up to the dog and owner and greets the owner while ignoring the dog. The dog must remain calm and show no signs of resentment. Socializing your dog is the key to effectively training him for this activity.Begin by exposing your dog to known individuals like your neighbours. As your dog becomes more comfortable, expand to unfamiliar faces. Keep motivating your dog to stay calm during these practice encounters. We advise

All You Need to Know About Canine Good Citizen Test

  The Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Test by the American Kennel Club is a supreme benchmark for canine etiquette. The program is designed to evaluate the behaviour of a dog, their temperament and their ability to exhibit good manners under various circumstances.  What Is the Canine Good Citizen Test? The CGC program is a comprehensive training course for both dogs and their parents. It aims to impart 10 key skills that are useful at home and while interacting with other people and dogs. From basic commands to advanced tasks, the CGC program is designed to equip your dog with better social skills and adaptability. The focus is not on enforcing obedience. Rather, the training program empowers dogs and their parents with effective communication and establishes clear cues that lead to positive outcomes.  All dogs, irrespective of their age and breed, are eligible to take the CGC test.  By the end of the program, you and your pooch will be a proper team, capable of being a good citizen